February 28, 2011
Eat Pray Love

February 25, 2011
Flash Back Friday
Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman July 14, 2009
I was excited to read this book, we hear about Walt Whitman in history, movies, and books after a while I became a little curious. After starting the other awful book (Age of Fable) I quickly started this one, boy was I glad. Although most of his poetry was hard to understand I quickly realized that this a book of poetry about the great United States of America and the even greater people that live there. Every once in a while I understood and felt what he was saying and it was touching. I enjoyed this book for 2 reasons:
1-I felt so smart as I read it. The more I read the more I think I began to understand what he was writing about.
2-Walt Whitman's poetry and the way he used the written word is beautiful (at least those things I understood). I will share a few of those.
"Other states indicate themselves in their deputies....but the genius of the United States is not best of most in its executives or legislatures, nor in its ambassadors or authors or colleges or churches or parlors, nor even in its newspapers or inventors...but always most in the common people."
"Will you seek afar off? You surely will com back at at last,
In the things best known to you finding the best or as good as the best,
In folks nearest you finding also the sweetest and strongest and lovingest,
Happiness not in the another place, but this place..not for another hour but this hour,..."
"Come I should like to hear you tell me what there is in yourself that is not just as wonderful,
And I should like to hear the name of anything between Sunday morning and Saturday night that is not just as wonderful."
February 23, 2011
The Weird Sisters

I had seen this book in a magazine I look through during my lunch break (a.k.a. nap time). I liked the title most of all. And I know we aren't supposed to judge a book by it's cover but it was the cover of this pretty book that made me grab it at the library. So sue me (okay, not really).
This is the story of 3 sisters named after women in plays written by Shakespeare. All 3 move home about the same time. They say it was because their mom was sick, but all 3 were dealing with obstacles in their lives and moving home seemed like the best option at the time. On the cover it quotes from the book, "See, we love each other. We just don't happen to like each other very much" that is the story. 3 sisters loaded with problems and a very sick mom who don't like each other. Pretty heavy.
I liked all the characters in this book...well except one guy (he was a looser). But everyone else was very well developed and enjoyable. The narrator was the three sisters all together. I loved that it felt like they were sitting there together telling their story of hardship and discovery.
Favorite Quote: "Rose climbed out of her chair and delicately sat in Jonathan's lap, but then he threw his arms around her and pulled her close, and her tension dissolved into laughter. Were we wondering what it was that she so loved about him and he about her? Perhaps this: he had the singular ability to knock down her carefully bricked defenses, which was a compliment to them both, and the secret of their love."
Grade: B-
February 22, 2011
To Start Off
To be honest I don't ALWAYS have a book in hand. I am married (like I already said) with 2 sweet kids. I love being a mom and wife...I don't know that I am awesome at it yet but I am working on it. As a result of my dream title of #1 mom I put my book down every now and then, but honestly where I am you will find a book and if I get even 5 minutes I will take it to read.
This is not a blog that will be updated every day...or even every week (unless someone else wants to contribute) since it is just me and I have an intense "to-do" list this is a as I get them done sort of thing. But I promise to be honest...and as short as possible (I have a habit of going on and on and on...obviously)
Read on!