I had seen this book in a magazine I look through during my lunch break (a.k.a. nap time). I liked the title most of all. And I know we aren't supposed to judge a book by it's cover but it was the cover of this pretty book that made me grab it at the library. So sue me (okay, not really).
This is the story of 3 sisters named after women in plays written by Shakespeare. All 3 move home about the same time. They say it was because their mom was sick, but all 3 were dealing with obstacles in their lives and moving home seemed like the best option at the time. On the cover it quotes from the book, "See, we love each other. We just don't happen to like each other very much" that is the story. 3 sisters loaded with problems and a very sick mom who don't like each other. Pretty heavy.
I liked all the characters in this book...well except one guy (he was a looser). But everyone else was very well developed and enjoyable. The narrator was the three sisters all together. I loved that it felt like they were sitting there together telling their story of hardship and discovery.
Favorite Quote: "Rose climbed out of her chair and delicately sat in Jonathan's lap, but then he threw his arms around her and pulled her close, and her tension dissolved into laughter. Were we wondering what it was that she so loved about him and he about her? Perhaps this: he had the singular ability to knock down her carefully bricked defenses, which was a compliment to them both, and the secret of their love."
Grade: B-
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