April 25, 2012

making a small change

HA...you thought this was a book title huh? 

I am going to change the way I grade these books I read.  Instead of using letter grades I am going to use phrases I am also going to put the "in a nut shell" at the top of the page rather than the bottom....that is if I remember to (which I do not promise I will ever).
Such as:

Read it now!
What a waste of my time
Worst way to spend my free time
I loved it
Made me smile
Loved, but don't tell anyone
the bees knees
I can't wait to read it again

And so on.

I think the grading system really isn't allowing me to put in a few simple words what or if I liked it plus it is boring.  Come to think of it.  I bet if teachers used this system rather than grades it would be so much more fun to get papers back....unless you the poor kid who gets his graded paper back with "What a waste of my time" in red ink on the top.

Happy Reading.

1 comment:

  1. I don't care how you rate, just keep the reviews coming! I love it! And...I totally agree that teachers should grade that way. You're a genius.
