Did you know this was a book about 13year old? Yeah, I didn't either. At first when I realized that, I was bummed. But I am glad I read this...even if it is about middle schoolers.
Travis has just moved to a new school and he didn't want to. He comes from a pretty rough past, parents both dead and Grandpa was an alcoholic trying to raise him. Pretty rough stuff. He gets to the new school and this weird girl who calls herself Velveeta for some reason seeks him out and they become friends. Velveeta lives in a trailer park with a drunk most the time mom and her best friend and neighbor passed away during the summer from a heart attack. He was an old man...not to be confused with a 13 year old. Both of these kids come from extremely troubled homes that are obviously effecting every other part of their lives. And then they end up in the same reading class with McQueen as their teacher. He is amazing. It is really too bad more teachers are more like him. As the two grow closer together and McQueen starts paying attention to what the kids need, rather than what they are doing. Things slowly start to change for the two middle schoolers.
It is a good book. One that teachers should probably read since it is a great example of what a teacher can and should be doing for a student. And also a good read for kids, we never know someones background until we take the time to learn about it and become friends with a person. You know that saying "sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can't ever hurt me" that is a lie. Words can hurt deeper and more long lasting than any stick and stone. I think this book helps teach that lesson.
Grade: C
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