I was blog hoping around reading blogs and one blogger decided to read 10 books published during her birth-year. I thought that was a fun idea so I stole it. I looked it up online and found that most of the books written the year I was born were romance novels. Not really wanting to read those I wrote done the ones that interested me and head to the loverly library. I then realized that out the 6 books I picked only 1 was even at the library. So I got it. I knew it was be clean at least. Janette Oke is not known to write nasties.
This is a story about a young woman, Elizabeth, invited to leave the comforts of her eastern home and school to teach out west. After she awesomely snubs the super attendant's offer of matrimony (bahh haa) she is sent to the smallest town furthest away. She certainly had no desire to marry a westerner as try as she might she ended up falling in love anyway. But lest be honest I don't think she tried all that hard to NOT fall in love.
I was a little more than bummed when I realized that the sweet little love story I was excited for lasted about 7 pages. Don't you hate that. Anyway. It was still a sweet story. Not that best I have ever read, but certainly better than others. Amazingly enough this was turned into a movie and even more amazingly I kind of want to watch it. The guy she falls for is a Mountie and there is something about those uniforms that I just know will make it worth it. We will see.
Favorite Quote: "No man ever has kissed me--not for any reason," I threw at him. I would rather have been mauled by that bear that to be so--so indebted to you, Mr. Delaney!" I jumped from the auto and ran blindly across the ditch and down the pathway from I had just been rescued"
Grade: C+
How on earth do you have all that time to read so many books?!?! I struggle with my one book club book a month!