For example they share ideas about being organized, traditions, family laws, dinnertime, the five-facet review (which I love. the mom and dad go out to eat once a month I think and they talk about the five different areas of each of their children and how they are doing and what as parents they need to be focusing on or helping with. It is so simple and yet helps both mom and dad be on the same page and so aware.). There is a chapter about putting your husband first and learning that the kind of mom I am striving to be is MY BEST. I don't need to compare myself to other mothers and try to be their best. I can be my own kind of best mom. It also discusses money, choices and cleaning-which I loved this chapter one of the authors as a toy monster that they named and the mom would pull it out and anything left out would go in the bag and kids could do chores to get their toy out. Toys that went in more than twice went to DI. Toys left in there too long also went to DI. What a great simple idea.
This book is worth the price tag....which I don't know what that is since my sweet Mom gave it to me. But let me tell you it was worth her money! This is a book I will keep close and read when I am at a loss for ideas or feel like I need a pick me up...since the chapters are so short and the pictures so sweet it is very doable.
I LOVE this book. Buy it and read it!
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