Rhine is a 16 year old living in New York in a time where they have cured cancer and all other bad things. Instead children are born without any chance of having a disability or health problem.

Which is pretty awesome. BUT with the cure for so many illnesses there are also consequences, children fir some reason are only living into their 20's (boys live 25 years, girls live 20 years...exactly). Not so awesome. As a result polygamy has spread like wild fire to ensure that the human race lives on. You see there was a 3rd World War and everyone else in the world is gone, except America. Rhine is kidnapped and sold to be a bride, she really doesn't like the idea and so instead of accepting it like her sister wives do she finds a way to run away and is determined to find her twin. Of coarse along the way she falls in love...always a nice touch.
This is just the first book of three, so part of me is curious to see what happens next. BUT it really wasn't all that AWESOME of a book. It was good, but there was so much ...description. At times it was great and at other times it was over kill. Also I felt like some of the things that went on were a little too old of a young adult book-not that it was naughty or anything...but oh I don't know. But it was good. And maybe I will read the next one. We will see.
Favorite Quote: nope there really wasn't one
Grade: C
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