Oh man, should I be embarrassed that I was able to read a 609 page book in a week? Or that it was my second big book for the month? This was another great read. So thanks Brit for the suggestion!
Roses is what I would call a tragic love story. Mary is a 3rd generation cotton plantation owner and a lover of the land, she fell deeply and madly in love with the oh so handsome Percy who is a timber man (not the kind that climbs trees and cuts them down, but the kind that employs the cutter downers). Both were dedicated to their land and their family business which spanned over generations and filled with tradition, however one of them is a little bit too nuts over the land she grew to love. And in the end feels she has to decide between the man she loves and the land she loves. Her decision effects many many people, until she decides it is time to make it right and in the process crushes hearts and dreams in the process. In the end....oh wait I don't want to spoil it.
I know I haven't painted the loveliest pictures of all, but it is a beautifully written story with lessons of love, family, friendship, loyalty and making sure that the choices we make are the best we can for the right reasons. That we need to realize that the choices don't just effect only 1 or 2 people but many and many people.
Be warned there are a few parts that I was surprised made the book...there is one that comes to mind right away and I will say that if I had been warned but if I had known that was in the book I still would have read it. (is that bad to admit?) There were also 2 really naughty words...which I was surprised the author put in there since there really wasn't much swearing in the rest of the book.
It is beautifully sad story and I am so glad I read it. The author did a wonderful just making the reader love the characters and care what the end result is for everyone involved. I love it when I actually care what happens to the characters.